Water Tight Technologies, LLC.

EPDM's (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) history goes back more than 60 years. An EPDM roof was installed on the Chicago O'Hare airport in the early 1960's. Today commercial roofing contractors choose this EPDM membrane more often than any other.
RUBBERALL® EPDM brings the history and the experience derived from commercial roofing to the smaller professional contractor and do-it-yourselfer who desires only the best when encountering a low-slope (3 in 12 or less) roof installation.

Why is RUBBERALL® the product of choice?
- Panels come in a variety of sizes: as small as 10'x25' as large as 20'x100' and almost any size in between, and in both .045" and .060" thickness.
- Panels are easily seamed.
- RUBBERALL® will adhere to a variety of surfaces, including plywood, certain types of insulation, concrete and metal.
- Accessories, incorporating the latest technology, are packaged in small quantities to avoid waste.
- Easy to understand installation video and manual.
- Unequaled warranty; 30 years on .060" membrane, 20 years on .045" membrane.
What low-slope roofing product will stand the test of time better than RUBBERALL®?... NONE
Water Tight Technologies has found, from its discussions with lumberyard owners that the residential roofing contractor represents a significant portion of its lumberyard revenues.

Why does the residential contractor look to the local lumberyard for roofing supplies? The answer is three fold: time, reduced waste, and service.
RUBBERALL may be coated for reflectivity

TIME: The residential contractor only makes money if he is installing a roof. He can not afford to travel long distances to a roofing wholesaler to shop for his materials. Buying at the local lumberyard saves time, which increases profit for the professional residential roofing contractor.

REDUCED WASTE: The residential contractor carries little or no inventory. Materials left over from the job likely go into the dumpster costing the residential contractor much needed profit. The RUBBERALL@ line at the local lumberyard addresses that issue with custom cut membrane panels and accessories in smaller units, thus increasing profit.

SERVICE: With limited equipment, the residential contractor can not pick-up at a far away roofing wholesaler's distribution center. The local lumberyard provides the most cost efficient and timely delivery service for the small order quantities typically ordered for residential roofing projects. Local service means increased profit for the professional residential roofing contractor.
What is the opportunity for
RUBBERALL® EPDM in residential roofing? Does the professional residential roofing contractor have the skills to install RUBBERALL® EPDM?
A 1998 National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) survey indicates over 25% of residential roofing is low slope. Fast forward 25 years, because millions of residential roofing contractors received early training as EPDM installers with commercial contractors; there is now a large pool of knowledgeable, small local roofing contractors. These contractors have the experience necessary to install low-cost roofs on smaller low slope roofs that he or she encounters. Moreover, the smaller contractor is engaged in maintaining larger commercial EPDM roofs that were installed 20 plus years ago. Maintaining these roofs include repairing damage by others, striping in seams that are now in need of repair after many years of service and doing repairs necessary when new service equipment is installed on existing EPDM roofs. Maintenance of older existing EPDM roofs is the life blood for the survival of these smaller contractors.
© Copyright 2000-2023, Water Tight Technologies®. RUBBERALL®, BRITE-n-EZ® and Water Tight Technologies® are registered trademarks of Water Tight Technologies LLC. All Rights Reserved.
“E-ZEE” ROLL™ is a trade mark of Water Tight Technologies, all rights reserved.