Water Tight Technologies, LLC.

Welcome! We are most appreciative of your interest in
Water Tight Technologies and
our RUBBERALL®, BRITE-n-EZ™ and “E-Zee” Roll™ product lines.
Water Tight Technologies™ success can be traced to experience and knowledge spanning four decades in rubber processing as well as the manufacturing and marketing of commercial roofing products.
Water Tight Technologies™ success over the years is attributed to our keen awareness of the entrepreneurial spirit of the person that toils with his hands, the roofing contractor. Through an array of distribution and building material dealers the RUBBERALL®. EPDM product line has achieved much success in what may loosely be referred to as the snow-belt. RUBBERALL® addresses the many needs of roofing and landscape contractors by making a quality product available for roofing, pond lining and a multitude of other applications.
In recent years, high energy costs have prompted building and home owners to question the energy efficiency of a black EPDM roof. In 2008, BRITE-n-EZ™ TPO white membrane was introduced. This fully adhered roof system was designed to address the needs of the roofing contractor who prefers taped seams rather than heat welded seams.
In 2023 Water Tight Technologies is ever more conscious of protecting our environment and at the same time reducing the labor content of each and every roof installation. Thus, Water Tight Technologies™ is very proud to introduce “E-Zee Roll™ self-adhered EPDM membrane. “E-Zee Roll™ membrane is: Easy, Fast, Durable and Low VOC to protect our environment.
Please navigate our website to learn more about the RUBBERALL®, BRITE-n-EZ™ and “E-Zee” Roll™ family of products and their many uses. For quick reference we have provided a handy site map.
Thank you for visiting this web site and for your interest in our products.

© Copyright 2000-2023, Water Tight Technologies®. RUBBERALL®, BRITE-n-EZ® and Water Tight Technologies® are registered trademarks of Water Tight Technologies LLC. All Rights Reserved.
“E-ZEE” ROLL™ is a trade mark of Water Tight Technologies, all rights reserved.